
Great Lakes Lawn Care’s

environmental Resources


At Great Lakes Lawn Care, we are committed to an environmentally friendly approach to lawn care and maintenance. A lush, well-maintained lawn and landscaped property contribute significantly to a healthier environment in several ways:

  • Improves Air Quality: Lawns absorb pollutants such as carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and smog, helping to purify the air.
  • Produces Oxygen: Through photosynthesis, grass generates oxygen, supporting a healthier atmosphere.
  • Captures Dust Particles: Grass captures dust and airborne particles that can trigger respiratory issues and allergies.
  • Enriches Soil: The natural decomposition of grass clippings, roots, and shoots helps build topsoil, enriching the soil beneath your lawn.
  • Prevents Erosion: Dense root systems stabilize topsoil and prevent erosion.

A thriving lawn also offers financial benefits. Protecting and maintaining your grass, trees, and shrubs can boost property value, while mature, healthy trees provide shade that may significantly lower energy costs.

Grass plays a crucial role in soil formation. A single grass plant can develop over 380 miles of fibrous roots, and when densely packed together, these roots form a network that helps secure soil in place. As older roots decompose and new ones grow, microorganisms break down organic matter, creating nutrient-rich humus that sustains plant life. In fact, soil is teeming with life—just one pound of root fibers contains over 93 billion microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and protozoa. In a 100 m² section of lawn, these organisms number in the quadrillions, collectively weighing up to 70 pounds. Their rapid reproduction and short life span contribute to continuous soil enrichment, improving soil health through natural decomposition. Because soil and lawn grasses rely on each other for nutrients and moisture, their health is closely interconnected.

At Great Lakes Lawn Care, we recognize the vital environmental role your lawn plays. A strong, thriving lawn is not only an investment in your property but also a key contributor to a greener, healthier urban ecosystem.

contact Great Lakes Lawn Care for a free lawn analysis and quote. We’ll diagnose the problem and provide the best course of action to restore your lawn’s health.

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